A formal learning assessment of a middle-aged male student studying in the Chelsea Intergenerational Literacy Program. The assessment consisted of a Learner’s Profile (i.e. Motivation, Vocabulary, Learning Style, Phonics, Reading Fluency, Literacy, etc.). The learner’s case study was submitted formally as a 2 credit course for Boston University (ED201) and presented to the student’s teacher for review.
In 2015, I was working as an English Second Language (ESL) tutor. The role required building and facilitating activities for small groups of adult learners while also supporting the teacher in the room. As part of this role, I also conducted a case study on a genuine, hardworking man who left everything behind in Guatemala. I observed, interviewed, and learned about his story, motivations, family, and form of learning. The results we analyzed were tangible as we reviewed his course work, behavior, and saw his confidence grow from beginning to the end of the course.